Get Re-Acquainted With Your Inner Child
We all have that little child within. The child who dreams, laughs, imagines, and wonders. At one point, we all WERE that little, innocent child. But through the years, we have gotten further and further away from being that child, and further and further from listening to the wisdom of that inner child.
Adults build understanding – layer by layer. These layers on the outside are thicker and harder – we become more cynical and less accepting of new ideas as we grow older. We build these layers to protect that sensitive little child within from getting hurt. And sometimes it’s the most sensitive people who build the hardest and crustiest layers for protection. They may become hard, cynical, jaded – when their true nature is just the opposite – soft, easy, optimistic, pleasant.
The average kid in kindergarten laughs about 500 times every day. The average adult laughs only 15 times per day. What happened from kindergarten to adulthood? We’ve all been contaminated – contamination from the beliefs, opinions, thoughts of the world. We’ve been taught to believe lies.
Trust Your Instincts And Intuitions
This “cultural trance” may have been holding you back. People have been unknowingly conditioned and hypnotized by friends, relatives, teachers, authority figures, TV, music, pop culture, etc. They are not necessarily telling you the truth. There is so much negativity in the world. We all start off with confidence, self-esteem. But somewhere down the line, we learn to have doubts and insecurities. It is those same doubts and insecurities that are really our own limitations. We are taught to NOT believe in ourselves.
Use Hypnosis To Connect To The Wisdom Within
And we spend more time dipping into the rational layers than allowing ourselves to expose the emotive child within. Use hypnosis to help get rid of those layers, and let the child within out. The child within, the truth within, the beauty within, the love within, the wisdom within.