I usually write these articles to educate and enlighten you about the power of the mind. And how you can tap into that power and use it so you can improve your life. But I am writing this article to remind you to enjoy the holidays. I know it’s...
Read MoreYou can accomplish many things using hypnosis. You can sleep better, reduce stress and anxiety, gain more confidence, overcome addictions, quit smoking, lose weight, and much more. But how can you earn more money with hypnosis? With hypnosis, you...
Read MoreAll throughout my life dealing with health problems, I have had to visit many doctors. One thing that I learned was how powerful doctors words truly are. The doctors words can either help your recovery – or the words can do just the opposite and...
Read MoreWith Thanksgiving and the holiday season around the corner, so many people will be eating and drinking a lot. When you are relaxed and at ease when you are eating, you will improve digestion. This relaxation will help you to be healthier and...
Read MoreAs I have been watching some of these debates and commentary for the presidential election, I’m coming to realize how seemingly everything is based on opinions. Very seldom are they based on truth. Opinions and truth are mutually exclusive –...
Read MoreHow can you improve motivation? Hypnosis is the ideal way to improve motivation, become more disciplined and more focused. Sometimes we all fall into a rut when we just don’t seem to have the drive or desire to do anything. We can fall into bad...
Read MoreOne of the greatest causes of pain and stress is tension. Not only does tension cause the problems, but also it can make pain and stress even worse. When you are truly relaxed, there is no tension. You can use hypnosis to relax to be free of pain...
Read MoreWhat is your true essence? What is that part of you that makes you unique and special? So many people think what makes them unique are their beliefs and opinions – what they like, what they don’t like, what they do, what they think, etc...
Read MoreI was recently watching a movie from the 1980’s that I had not seen in years. It reminded me of how we all have to work for our independent thought. This eye-opening movie is called “They Live”. Both the director and the star (John...
Read MoreOne of the more common reasons people come to see me is for self improvement hypnosis. The concept of self improvement hypnosis can be looked on in so many different ways. Hypnosis can be used for improvement in behavior, become a better parent...
Read MoreWhy do we suffer? What is the point of all the pain and struggle? Unfortunately, it’s the only way to truly learn and to grow. If everyday was wonderful and fun and a day at the beach, would you ever change? Would you ever realize the true goal...
Read MoreAddictions are so common in today’s society. Obviously people are addicted to drugs, nail-biting, gambling, alcohol, food, work, sex, video games – the list goes on and on. These are all tangible things that people feel they need. But what abut...
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