At the end of this article is a wonderful Taoist story about how we often jump to conclusions too soon. And how we can learn to see the truth when we think without translating. Our rigid opinions can cloud and alter our thinking. We are so concerned with making an inflexible judgment when we hear news – whether it be good or bad. The problem we run into is we think we know all the information. But we don’t know. And our small minds can over-react and assume we have it all figured out.
Let Go Of Your Opinions…And Think Without Translating
Franz Anton Mesmer, a master hypnotist who practiced in Paris in the 18th century, was an avid student of the mind. And he was the man who came up with the theory of “animal magnetism”.
As a man always looking to improve his mind, Mesmer offered the following sage advice – “Think without translating.” That is a profound statement. There are many ways to look at this. But a simple way to understand this is to let your mind do its best to allow your mind to find the answer – while you are suspending your judgments, opinions and interpretations.
Don’t allow your preconceived notions affect your thinking. Think without translating. Your opinions and beliefs are all lies. Let them go….and see the truth.
1 Comment
There can always be an unexpected outcome from any situation. Thinking without translating is a way of allowing ourselves access to some of those unforeseen truths. . It is akin to thinking ‘outside the box’.