Who Can Be Hypnotized Easily?

I hear questions like this all the time. People genuinely want to know if they can be hypnotized easily. It is true that some people are more hypnotizable than others. But it’s important that you know that EVERYONE can go into hypnosis. The hypnotic trance is your most natural state of being. The process of going into the trance is effortless. It’s so easy and natural.

The only thing required of you to go into hypnosis is your willingness to do so. If you want to be hypnotized, you will.

Are Some People Easier To Hypnotize Than Others?

Everybody has the ability to be hypnotized, but many people are more suggestible and can be hypnotized easily. There are many hypnotists that can use tests and different trials to determine if you can go into hypnosis. I have found that these tests are not necessary.

It’s been my experience that people with a high intelligence and a good imagination tend to drift off into hypnosis more naturally. Intelligence does not necessarily mean you got good grades in school. It’s your natural intelligence and curiosity that may enable you to go into the trance more easily.

But everyone can be hypnotized. So it doesn’t really matter how bright you are or how good your imagination is. As long as you have the desire to be hypnotized, you will be.

How Do You Know If You Can Be Put into the Hypnotic Trance?

You probably may not even realize it, but you’ve been in the trance many times in your life. Hypnosis is so natural and so efficient for your mind, that you have naturally gone into the trance.

Have you ever been driving home for a half hour and don’t remember how you got there? That’s highway hypnosis when your mind drifts off into this natural state of peace.

Have you ever played sports or music and gotten into the Zone? That magical place where you can do no wrong. Everything flows naturally and you accomplish great things without thinking about it. To me the Zone is a light hypnotic trance.

Everyone can be hypnotized. It’s your most natural state of being.

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